Academic Year & School Timings
- Academic year is from June to May. The school’s working days for students will be from 1st week of June to April followed by summer vacation.
- Working days are from Monday to Saturday and the school timing is from 7.55 am to 01.40 pm, on all working days.
Rules & Regulations
Students should reach the school daily before 7.55 am. No excuses will be entertained. The School gate will be closed at 8.05 am during Monsoon, and thereafter from 1st October, the gate will be closed at 8.00 a.m. - Child should not be left outside the gate as the school will be not be responsible for the safety of the child.
- Parents should not take the child during the school hours unless he/she falls sick. No child will be permitted halfday leave.
- Child should stay home in case of appointments,religious ceremony,family functions.
- Students behaviour in and outside the school shall be exemplary.
- Students should bring TextBooks and NoteBooks strictly as per TimeTable.
- Parents should encourage their wards to participate in various activities/competitions of the school
- Attendance is a matter of great importance.Parents to ensure that their ward is regular and punctual in attendance
- No student will be given tuition privately by teacher’s of the school
- Students should take care of the school property.